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KeyFacts Energy News Alerts


In case you are curious, below is an example copy of  KeyFacts Energy's daily news-alert mailout.

If you would like a full 'end of play' review of news and commentary from the oil and gas and renewable energy sectors with profile links to over 90% of the featured companies and organizations, sign-up today.


WTI (Jan) $77.86  +$1.45, Brent (Jan) $83.10 +$1.42, Diff -$5.24 -3c
USNG (Jan) $2.80 +1c, UKNG (Jan)* 103.5p -3.5p, TTF (Jan) €40.945 -€2.58
*UKNG December contract expiry

In the news today...X-Academy has strengthened its team with the appointment of Andy Samuel, as strategic advisor; UK government, regulators and industry chiefs gathered in Aberdeen this week to discuss the outlook for investment in the North Sea following several strong votes of confidence in the basin; International subsea equipment rental and solutions specialist Ashtead Technology has further expanded its mechanical solutions service offering with the acquisition of ACE Winches and Wood has secured a two-year contract extension with Equinor UK to support safe and reliable energy production at the Mariner field in the UK North Sea.

Global energy industry news, commentary
and analysis from KeyFacts Energy


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Service companies and industry organizations




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Are you looking to gain a competitive edge in the energy industry? Look no further than KeyFacts Energy. Our database contains over 2,600 continually updated 'country-specific' oil and gas and renewable energy profiles from 144 countries. Discover how you can instantly identify companies with operational activity in your chosen country and fine-tune your selection based on industry category, energy type, or regional location. Contact us today to arrange a 15-minute online meeting and see how we can help maximize online and social media exposure for your company.


If you are looking to fine-tune your search, the following selection will take you to your chosen subject.

Aberdeen Focus  Acquisitions & Mergers  Analysis  CapEx  Carbon Capture
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  Training  Video  Webinar  Wind Energy

Our Energy Industry Directory now includes over 2,500 oil service, renewable energy companies and industry organizations. Profile information typically includes; description, contact details, leadership, linkedin 'people' and news archive. Companies who featured in the news today include:
African Energy Chamber   I   Ashtead Technology   I  ACE Winches   I   Cornish Lithium   I  Vaarst  I  Wood

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