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Commentary: Do unto others……


Tim Gibbons, Managing Director, Hoolock Consulting

“Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”  Possibly one of the most used phrases from religions and one that is extremely useful in navigating life. However, when it comes to relationships between sales and a customer, there is perhaps a different way of looking at things.

If your customer likes to make decisions in a certain way, you should provide them with information in the way that makes most sense to them, not to you. To get a customer to buy your product, you need them to make a decision. People make decisions in different ways, depending on their personality.  It is much easier to get the right decision if you support the customer in the way that they like to make decisions.

There are lots of ways of characterising customers but one of the simplest is to define them as either driving, expressive, amiable or analytical. Each group makes decisions differently.

Driving Style likes to be provided with facts, useful information and viable options. They will make their own decisions fairly quickly.  They are prepared to take risks and think generally in the short- term.

Expressive style tends to make decisions based on opinions and can be swayed by other people’s support.  They are reactive and impulsive and may make mistakes and have frequent changes of direction.

Amiable style will value the input of others and seek lots of feedback before making a decision so can be slow to decide. They are unlikely to impose their views on others and are likely to stick with the known and the comfortable.

Analytical style makes decisions based on facts and data and never on opinions. They can be slow to make decisions and are unlikely to impose on others. They may appear precise, specific, critical and unenthusiastic.

These are quite different ways of making decisions and it means that our approach to each of them should be different. Providing lots of facts to an expressive person will not help them to make a decision. Trying to rush an amiable person will not get them to make a decision any quicker.

So, while you might make a decision in a certain way, there is a good chance that your customer makes a decision in a different way. You need to help them to make a decision in a way that is comfortable for them. So, support them as they would like to be supported.

For more information on these styles and how to understand them, see

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