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Global Maritime awarded contract for Northern Lights Carbon Transport and Permanent Storage Project


Global Maritime have been awarded the Marine Warranty (MWS) contract for the Northern Lights Carbon Transport and Permanent Storage Project, a part of the Longship project.

Image source: Equinor

Northern Lights once commissioned will be a CO2 transportation and storage infrastructure facility. The project will be delivered via an Equinor, Shell and Total Energies Joint Venture, (JV).

Carbon Capture & Underground Storage, (CCUS) is a process in which CO2 is captured at point of source or from the atmosphere and then sequestered underground.

John Butler – Global Lead for Energy Transition noted,
“This is a significant award for Global Maritime, as we move towards a low carbon economy CCUS projects will support heavy industry to meet their net zero emission targets. Global Maritime are delighted to be working with Equinor and the JV partners on this essential project supporting the transition to a low carbon future.”

Global Maritime is a marine, offshore and engineering consultancy that specializes in marine warranty, dynamic positioning, and engineering services. Known for innovation, practical experience, operational excellence, and safety. Global Maritime has a proven track record in delivering the world’s most successful marine and offshore projects.

KeyFacts Energy Industry Directory: Global Maritime   l   KeyFacts Energy: Carbon Capture news

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