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Training: Analysis and Interpretation of Growth Strata in Deepwater Settings


Date: 05-09 June 2023
Location: Online
Tutor: Bruce Trudgill: Associate Professor, Dept. of Geology and GE, Colorado School of Mines

Learn to interpret growth strata in deepwater fold and thrust belts, salt basins and rift settings with Bruce Trudgill using seismic reflection data. In five live online sessions, the concepts and terminology of growth structures are explained and the factors controlling their development are examined. Examples of 2-D and 3-D seismic data are analyzed to unravel the geometry and evolution of the structures. Practical interpretation exercises will reinforce the interactive in-class discussion.

You will learn to:

  1. Recognize and describe growth strata in a variety of settings.
  2. Analyze the development history of growth strata.
  3. Effectively interpret growth strata on seismic data in a variety of structural settings.
  4. Determine how sedimentation rate, fold uplift rate and kink band migration versus limb rotation, control growth stratal architecture in contractional systems.
  5. Understand imaging scale, recognize seismic artifacts and avoid interpretation pitfalls.

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