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Green Energy Industry: 10 Quick Wins For the Government


During its first 100 days in power, the new UK Government has a golden opportunity to take advantage of 10 quick wins available in renewable energy that will accelerate economic growth and reduce energy costs, according to leading industry body Scottish Renewables.

Setting out the immediate priorities for Scotland’s renewable energy industry over the next three months, Scottish Renewables has highlighted the importance of attracting private investment, delivering strategic infrastructure and maintaining the UK’s strengths in innovation.

Scottish Renewables has outlined 10 quick wins for the UK Government, including:

  • Increase the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 6 (AR6) budget to secure contracts for Scottish projects which are vital to achieving our deployment targets.
  • Adopt a timely programme of evolutionary, not revolutionary, electricity market reform to support investment and consumers by ruling out Locational Marginal Pricing.
  • Invest in Scotland’s renewable energy supply chain and ports in an Autumn Statement for green industrial growth by reflecting the objectives of the Strategic Investment Model and Industrial Growth Plan.
  • Launch a GB-wide mission to insulate homes and install clean heat technologies, targeting homes in the North of Scotland which disproportionally suffer from high levels of extreme fuel poverty.
  • Support the deployment of large-scale, long-duration electricity storage to help unlock much needed investment in vital Scottish pumped storage hydro projects.

Claire Mack, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, said:
"Scotland’s renewable energy industry is ready to play its part in delivering the UK Government’s mission of kickstarting economic growth and making Britain a clean energy superpower.

“We can hit the ground running by taking advantage of ten quick wins identified by Scottish Renewables to unlock the enormous socio-economic potential of renewable energy projects across Scotland.

“Uplifting the budget for the Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 6 this summer will be essential for delivering the scale of deployment needed across all technologies to achieve our net-zero and energy security ambitions.

"Taking a range of immediate steps to maximise investment and deliver infrastructure should also be prioritised, from addressing disproportionate network charges and damaging market reform proposals to accelerating energy efficiency and supply chains.

"Scottish Renewables looks forward to advancing these priorities in the weeks ahead to build the policy stability, regulatory agility and visibility of support we have consistently called for."

KeyFacts Energy Industry Directory: Scottish Renewables  

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