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Getech Supports Egypt 12-Block Licensing Round


Egypt has launched a new 12-block licensing round, covering both offshore and onshore acreage. Ten blocks are in the Mediterranean Sea, including one in the frontier Herodotus Basin, while two are located onshore in the Nile Delta. Bids are due by 25 February 2025.

Getech's total support package for Egypt provides unique insights into the country to help you better locate, develop and operate geoenergy projects.

The package comprises gravity & magnetic data compilations, depth-to-basement, temperature-depth maps, Globe, ArcGIS productivity extensions and support from our industry geoscience, geophysics and geospatial experts.

Gravity Products

  • Includes a compilation of onshore gravity surveys and our proprietary Multi-Sat data offshore
  • Topography and bathymetry compilation enabling reduction to Bouguer and isostatic residual anomaly
  • Advanced grid derivatives and transforms
  • Complete coverage over offshore areas
  • Full country or sub-area packages

Magnetic Products

  • Compilation of numerous reprocessed surveys
  • Reduction-to-pole and advanced processing
  • Depth to basement/sediment thickness from integrated G&M approach constrained by independent data
  • Full country or sub-area packages

Temperature-Depth Maps

  • Rapidly screen geothermal sources with subsurface temperature prediction maps
  • Underpinned by Getech’s G&M data, Depth to Basement, global Curie Isotherm and extensive heat flow database
  • View and interrogate global Depth-to-Temperature maps for any required temperature
  • Interrogate global Temperature-at-Depth maps for any required depth
  • Create thermal profiles for any location, globally

KeyFacts Energy Industry Directory: GETECH   l   KeyFacts Energy: Licensing news 

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