Energy Country Review: Complimentary 7-day trial

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Commentary: Energy in Africa


With 43% of Africans lacking access to electricity, fulfilling the International Energy Agency’s target of universal access to modern energy services across Africa by 2030 is imperative to meeting the human rights of the African people. Using traditional energy sources will drive global greenhouse gas emissions higher and so Africa’s energy solution must include transitional energy technologies, whilst ensuring solutions are fair and equitable for the people of Africa.

Merlin has been partnering African operators for 26 years, helping to accelerate exploration and development projects, whilst guiding company boards and investors on asset purchases, drilling decisions and country entries. Our experience covers a wide range of countries across the continent in a variety of geological settings. Now Merlin is bringing new skills to the table in decarbonisation, such as defining, risking and modelling prospective CCS storage opportunities.

Merlin’s experience across Africa

In one example project, Merlin supported a client on a new country entry in West Africa. Starting from a historic paper database, Merlin collated and integrated all the available subsurface data to establish a thorough understanding of the petroleum system of the basin. This led to the identification of a world class portfolio of leads and prospects. Ultimately, Merlin helped the client achieve a 100% success rate in its maiden exploration drilling campaign.

Merlin will be taking the opportunity at AOW to follow up on the marginal field bid round in Nigeria. It has recently supported the rejuvenation of one of the awarded marginal fields, by undertaking a new evaluation of the remaining discovered resources for the operator. Following positive indications for additional near field resources, Merlin has also extended the project by evaluating additional prospectivity across the entire concession. This work is invaluable in helping to guide the operators towards a forward workplan for maturing and drilling new opportunities.

Merlin is looking forward to being part of the discussion at the conference in Cape Town. Having amassed experience in a number of basins across Africa, we certainly see the potential for CCS solutions which could work alongside oil and gas developments to support the Energy Transition and deliver growth for our clients and the African nations.

If you are interested in hearing about how Merlin has supported clients over 26 years, and how our skills can help your organisation across energy workflows, come and talk to Bill and Helen on stand F54.

KeyFacts Energy Industry Directory: Merlin Energy Resources 


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