With a surplus of 6.3 million euros, the ABO Wind Group exceeded the result of the previous year's period (5.2 million euros) in the first half of 2020. ABO Wind also increased sales (59.3 compared to 56.6 million euros) and total output (70.9 compared to 59.3 million euros), which in addition to sales includes changes in stocks of products and services.
"Although the restrictions associated with the corona pandemic make the initiation and development of wind power and solar projects more difficult and delayed, we are on track in the 2020 financial year", says CEO Andreas Höllinger. For the year as a whole, he expects an annual surplus of around twelve million euros. This paves the way for the fifth annual profit of more than ten million euros in a row. In the 2019 financial year, the result was around 11.4 million euros. "We are pleased about the continuity of our business development - despite the restrictions and delays associated with the corona pandemic," says Höllinger.
KeyFacts Energy Industry Directory: ABO Wind