Energy Country Review: Complimentary 7-day trial

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Renewable energy is fundamental for Africa to achieve its inclusive and sustainable development. As a private sector and member-driven organisation, the RES4Africa Foundation functions as a bridge between its members and partners for an exchange of perspectives, initiatives and expertise.

Areas of Action

  • support wider participation of private players in delivering investments in RE generation
  • stimulate complementary deployment of power infrastructures and their integration in energy systems
  • broaden access to energy, demonstrating innovative, sustainable solutions built on cross-sectorial approaches (energy+services) and address the periurban areas
  • boost the adoption of innovative technologies –digitalization, storage, e-mobility- to accelerate Africa electricity systems transformation
  • maximise the socio-economic impact of Africa’s energy transition and favour practices in creating resilient economies and build back better after Covid
  • promote advanced institutional and technical training, skill-creation and vocational training

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