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C-Kore Systems Ltd
3 Bramley’s Barn
The Menagerie
Escrick, York
North Yorkshire
YO19 6ET
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1904 215161


C-Kore Systems Ltd was founded to bring modern testing technology to the subsea industry.

The company started their journey as part of Zetechtics, designers and manufacturers of the award winning Jupiter subsea control systems, before being launched as an independent company in 2012. The early years of C-Kore were spent on research and development, starting with their Cable Monitor tool and the low-voltage IR testing concept. This went through many prototypes and two generations of field-trials with customers, before further development to the commercial (third generation) design.

After gaining market trust in 2015, the following years saw widespread adoption of the C-Kore Cable Monitor as it benefits became apparent. The cost savings and measurement improvements have led it to become the de-facto choice for subsea testing needs. As well as continually improving the technology, C-Kore have used their knowledge to develop new tools for the subsea industry, such as their Cable TDR and Pressure Monitor.

C-Kore have a team of dedicated designers and engineers who are passionate about making life easier for subsea engineers by bringing fast, modern and reliable testing techniques to the offshore industry.


C-Kore Cable Monitor
The C-Kore Cable Monitor is a compact automated tool for testing subsea electrical assets. It can be configured in advance by C-Kore System Ltd or set up in the field easily by the end-user. The Cable Monitor is a very versatile product but remains easy to use.

It can be used for both fault-finding and construction campaigns. Compared to downlines or platform-led testing for fault-finding, it is fast and simple to deploy to get accurate data on the health of subsea assets. By measuring directly subsea substantial vessel time and cost savings are made, allowing more faults to be found and fixed with shorter campaigns.

When installing new equipment the Cable Monitor should be fitted as early as possible, ideally just after factory FAT of umbilicals or equipment. It then remains in place during load-out, transit, lay and wet-storage, taking scheduled automated measurements. This eliminates the delays and costs associated with manual measurement. As the unit is deployed along with the equipment, the second end of umbilicals are not deployed blind and asset health can be confirmed all the way to point of hook-up.

C-Kore Subsea TDR
The C-Kore Subsea TDR is a compact automated tool for testing subsea electrical assets. It can be configured in advance by C-Kore System Ltd or set up in the field easily by the end-user. It is simple to use, automating the previously complex work of driving a TDR.

The TDR is normally used in tandem with the Cable Monitor for fault-finding. Once the Cable Monitor has narrowed the location of a fault to a single component (for example an in-field umbilical) the TDR is used to precisely identify where in the cable the fault resides. This knowledge can be used to inform repair versus replacement strategies. By measuring directly subsea, the problems of deck-based downline testing are eliminated, including impedance mismatches, offset errors, faulty downlines and the difficulty of driving the TDR correctly.

For new asset installation the TDR can be used to characterise cables for future reference and find discontinuities in impedance that have not effected the insulation resistance. As this testing is automated, vessel time and personnel requirements can be reduced to achieve cost savings. The unit can be deployed subsea to take TDR readings directly once installation is complete.

The unit is powered by a high-capacity rechargeable battery for stand-alone operation. Simple user configuration is possible with a plug-and-play USB connection to choose what the unit will test and when. Every result is data-logged and the unit has built-in software for result analysis.

C-Kore Pressure Monitor
The C-Kore Pressure Monitor is a simple but versatile tool for monitoring fluid lines during asset installation, for example umbilical cables. It is very compact allowing easy integration onto stab-plates and test fixtures.

When installing new assets the pressure monitor is used to prove that the fluid lines have been correctly pressurised and detect any leaks that occur, removing the need for manual measurement. The units can be deployed subsea with the equipment and remain fitted during wet-storage until the point of hook-up. The pressure monitor can be connected to a nearby Cable Monitor or TDR to show results on the display. It is also possible to daisy-chain multiple pressure monitors together for measuring different fluid lines. Every reading is timestamped and stored in internal memory.

The unit is powered by a high-capacity battery for stand-alone operation. Simple user configuration is possible with a plug-and-play USB connection.

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