The Lebanese Petroleum Administration (LPA) was established on the 4th of December 2012, and is an independent public institution mandated to manage the upstream offshore petroleum sector in Lebanon, operating under the authority of the Minister of Energy and Water. The principal objective of the LPA is to contribute to creating the greatest possible value for the economy and the society out of the petroleum sector while protecting the environment. More specifically, and in addition to preparing technical studies to support and inform the decision making processes, the LPA actively undertakes planning, regulatory, and supervisory roles across the petroleum industry value chain, namely the LPA plays critical roles during the licensing phase, the exploration phase, the development and production phase and the decommissioning phase.
Furthermore, as it is continuously building its capacities and those of national stakeholders, the LPA has several ongoing programmes conducted in cooperation with other governmental bodies and international organizations. The LPA is committed to abide by the highest levels of transparency so to promote and strengthen good governance in the petroleum sector. In this regard, the LPA exerts all the necessary efforts to ensure a successful, sustainable and inclusive development of the petroleum industry by setting strong pillars for the sector early on, and by actively promoting investments for the exploitation of hydrocarbons to benefit current and future generations.
The Petroleum Administration consists of Six technical departments, namely:
- Strategic Planning Department
- Technical and Engineering Department
- Geology and Geophysics Department
- Legal Affairs Department
- Economics and Financial Department
- Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Department
Website l Linkedin 'People'