Orenburgneft is the largest enterprise in the Orenburg Region.
Orenburgneft production association, established on February 19, 1963, was transformed into a joint stock company under the same name in 1993. In 1995 the Russian government issued a decree establishing the ONAKO oil company. Orenburgneft joined the company as the main producer enterprise.
In 2013 Orenburgneft became a part of Rosneft.
The company operates at the territory of 19 municipalities of the Orenburg Region, as well as in the Astrakhan, Samara, and Saratov Regions.
Zaikinskoe gas processing plant and Buguruslanneft (the oldest oil production enterprise in the region) are part of Orenburgneft. There’re 127 license blocks and 115 fields on the books.
Since 2005 Orenburgneft has been implementing ‘Gas’ program at the Orenburg Region aimed at systematic level increase of beneficial use of associated gas. Reconstruction of operating gas pipelines and compressor stations is carried out along with constructions of new ones as part of the program. The second phase of Zaikinskoe gas processing plant has been launched with a capacity of 1.1 bcm per annum with rail terminal at the Tyulpan station, and Pokrovskaya gas processing plant with a capacity of 450 mcm of gas per annum.
Major fields: Pokrovskoe, Bobrovskoe, Olkhovskoe, Donetsko-Syrtovskoe, Rostashinskoe, Zaikinskoe.