Lynx Information Systems provides geophysical and GIS services to the petroleum exploration industry worldwide. Operating since 1989, the Company offer a full range of services, software solutions and GIS data for data handling and data management in upstream environments.
The Company operate from London and Houston, and provide seismic and well log vectorizing - converting paper seismic sections, shotpoint basemaps and well log plots into useable digital data (SEG-Y, SEG-P1/UKOOA and LAS), both as a service, and as licenced software.
Lynx also provide a wide range of GIS consultancy and services, from designing and populating corporate spatial databases and web portals to digitising geological and structure maps.
The Company's GIS Exploration Advisers provide a wide range of geological, geophysical, petrophysical and cultural data and interpretations for petroleum provinces across the globe.
Lynx also manages the UK Onshore Geophysical Library (UKOGL) on behalf of the UK Government Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), providing the official archive and release mechanism for all UK public domain onshore seismic data since its inception in 1994.
GIS Exploration Advisers
Since the mid-1990s Lynx has been producing GIS Exploration Advisers, which are GIS-enabled regional reports using industry standard ESRI ArcGIS software. Lynx works with geological consultants with experience of specific regions, to build coherent syntheses, valuable to the exploration geologist and new ventures entrant.
Using the ArcGIS front-end, the user has instant access to powerful exploration and G&G data, which can be queried based on specific user-driven parameters.
To complement the GIS Exploration Advisers, Lynx also has a rich seismic archive with SEG-Y available in almost all producing basins around the world, plus a wide selection of digital wells in LAS format.
Specialist plug-ins for ArcGIS have been developed in-house which enable the explorationist to use conventional exploration formats such as LAS and SEG-Y directly in the GIS. These powerful tools also make data integration with interpretation workstations simple and quick.
The GIS Exploration Advisers are fully loaded with standard datasets including: bathymetry, gravity, SRTM Elevation, satellite (Landsat) imagery, surface geology, well databases, up-to-date concession boundaries, field maps, production information and oilfields databases.
Installation, training, and data integration services are offered to clients to enable the full potential to be harnessed.
The products are updated on an annual basis.
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