Sval, previously known as Solveig Gas, has worked with natural gas since 2011. From the very beginning their main business was to transport gas from the North Sea to Europe. Today the company also participate in the exploration and development of oil & gas fields. Going forward, Sval's ambition is to provide energy from oil and gas and new energy sources.
Sval is fully owned by HitecVision, Norway’s largest private equity firm, with a total committed capital base of USD 6 billion. The company have high ambitions and will continue to invest in infrastructure, exploration, developments, production and new innovative energy solutions in the years to come.
Sval is building a growth business based on a combination of exploration, development, production and transport of oil and gas and other energy sources. As a new generation energy company, Sval both sees the need to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and recognizes the profitable business opportunities that arise in the process.
Through its significant position in gas infrastructure, Sval plays a vital role in providing gas to Europe and is now building an exploration & production portfolio around existing infrastructure. As a part of Sval’s low carbon strategy, the company will pursue carbon reduction projects on offshore and onshore installations, electrification of offshore fields, investments in renewable energy generation, carbon capture and storage, and advancing other technological solutions to reduce the carbon intensity of its energy production.
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