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Po Valley Energy


Po Valley Energy - Italian Operational Office
Via Ludovisi 16
00187 Roma Italy

Tel: +39 06 42014968

Po Valley Energy Limited - Australian Administrative Office
Suite 8, 7 The Esplanade
Mt Pleasant, WA 6153, Australia

Tel: +61 (08) 9316 9100


Po Valley Energy Limited (PVE) is an emerging Oil & Gas exploration and development Company with an expanding portfolio of hydrocarbon assets in northern Italy.

The Company owns and operates two gas treatment plants, with more gas and oil developments to come.

Po Valley was the first E&P Company to bring new production to the Po Valley region since the end of the ENI-Agip monopoly and the liberalisation of the Italian gas market in 1998.

The Company, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange on 14 December 2004 and through its subsidiaries Northsun Italia S.p.A and Po Valley Operations Pty Ltd, holds 12 licence areas, encompassing 2,000 sq kilometers (494,200 acres).

Having operated in Italy for the past 10 years, the Company is experienced in Italy's regulatory process and has successfully managed each stage of the exploration and production business.

The Company's presence in Italy and local management team represents significant competitive advantage not enjoyed by newer entrants seeking to find success in the Italian market.

Po Valley has continued to grow its portfolio of assets at a very low cost relative to other oil and gas companies, providing the basis for future shareholder value creation. Italy remains an attractive market with gas and oil being of high quality, an accessible and low cost transportation network and a pricing environment that has been stable and higher than other comparable European countries.


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