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Fault Dynamics Research Group


Fault Dynamics Research Group
Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 1784 443 581


The Fault Dynamics Research Group undertakes fundamental and collaborative multidisciplinary research on fault systems and fault processes. Using field studies, remote sensing analyses, numerical modelling, 2D & 3D seismic interpretation and scaled analogue modelling in their internationally renowned analogue modelling laboratories the Group investigate crustal fault systems, their 3D geometries and their 4D kinematic evolution.

The Group's primary aim is to carry out fundamental research into fault processes and fault geometries and their relationships to the geodynamics of sedimentary basins such that the results can be applied to the exploration and development of hydrocarbon and mineral resources.

Research programmes cover the full spectrum of tectonic regimes. They include:

  • Extensional Fault Systems in Rift Basins – Modern and Ancient
  • Extensional Fault Systems on Passive Margins
  • Inversion Tectonics
  • Strike-Slip Tectonics
  • Thrust Tectonics – Terrestrial Fold and Thrust Belts as well as Deepwater Fold Belts on both Active and Passive Margins
  • Delta Tectonics
  • Salt Tectonics
  • Tectonics and Sedimentation in Contractional and Extensional Basins

A particular focus of the Research Group is the development of 4D models for reservoir structures as well as fault-related folding and fracture development in various tectonic settings.
