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Decom Offshore


Decom Offshore Limited
9 Greenfinch Road
Houghton Le Spring
County Durham DH5 0GG
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 191 704 2001


Decom Offshore is a customer focused consultancy offering impartial advice and support when planning decommissioning, decontamination, demolition and land remediation projects.


Decommissioning & Removal Feasibility Studies
Feasibility studies (FEED) to determine the safest most cost effective decommissioning and removal solution for client company assets, including single lift, piece large, reverse installation, piece small removal, onshore demolition and waste management.

Decontamination & Isolation Strategies
Strategy development and planning to minimise the cost of decommissioning, from planning for CoP and beyond to final removal and demolition, including preparation for “lighthouse mode”, obsolescence studies, equipment preservation and maintenance.

Decommissioning Liability Estimates
Liability provisioning including IAS37 compliant decommissioning liability estimating for onshore and offshore facilities. Independent accurate decommissioning, decontamination, demolition and land remediation estimates.

Procurement & Tender Documentation
Production of pre construction information pack, scope of work documentation, bills of quantities as required by CDM regulations, demolition contractor selection and appraisal process. Management of invoices and claims.

Land Remediation
Environmental remediation removal of pollution or contaminants through independently developed solutions. Decom Offshore's impartial advice demonstrating (BAT) Best Available Techniques have saved their clients many millions of pounds.

Waste Characterisation & Site Waste Management Plans
With the ever increasing cost of sending waste to landfill, Decom Offshore's experience has allowed many millions of tonnes of material to be diverted from landfill and recycled. Waste Management & Managing waste is a critical part to reduce cost.

Site Divestment & Asset Recovery Solutions
Decom Offshore have managed the divestment of large production sites including maximising revenue for their clients from the sale of redundant assets and plant, recovery of metals and recovering value in land and buildings.

Project Management & CDM Principal Designer
Providing clients with demolition consultants who manage project health and safety risk and project management. From the early part of planning to provision of site based demolition engineers to manage complex projects to completion.
