Petoro AS
Øvre Strandgate 124
N-4005 Stavanger
Mail address:
PO Box 300 Sentrum
4002 Stavanger
Tel: 51 50 20 00
Petoro AS
Øvre Strandgate 124
N-4005 Stavanger
Mail address:
PO Box 300 Sentrum
4002 Stavanger
Tel: 51 50 20 00
The Norwegian state has substantial holdings in production licences on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) through the State’s Direct Financial Interest (SDFI). These assets are managed by Petoro AS. The company’s most important job is to help ensure the highest possible value creation from the SDFI to the benefit of the whole of Norway
Petoro manages substantial assets on behalf of the Norwegian government. The SDFI portfolio represents a third of Norway’s oil and gas reserves.