Soliton Resources was established in 2017 by Graham Goffey to seek overlooked exploration and appraisal assets in the North Sea, especially where thorough geoscience and modern technology have the potential to generate material new resource opportunities.
Graham Goffey has more than 30 years of upstream oil and gas experience with companies including Conoco, LASMO, Paladin Resources and PA Resources. His career has included exploration, appraisal and development experience across the North Sea countries, Africa, Middle East, onshore Europe, S and SE Asia and Australasia. He has been involved in oil and gas discoveries in countries including the UK, Denmark, Indonesia, Pakistan and Tunisia. He spent several years living and working in Pakistan and Indonesia and progressed through his career from geologist, team leader and VP exploration to general manager and managing director roles. In addition to Soliton Resources, Graham provides technical, commercial and strategic consultancy services to the upstream oil and gas industry through his consulting company, Soliton Petroleum Consulting Limited.
A geoscientist by training, throughout his career Graham has maintained an active, hands-on involvement in geoscience projects. He has published on subjects including deep water reservoirs, compressional fold belts, glacially-impacted petroleum systems and various North Sea oil and gas discoveries. He has co-convened a number of geoscience conferences in London and Bath and has co-edited Geological Society Special Publications on stratigraphic traps and fold-thrust belts. He is currently co-editing a substantial volume containing papers on more than 150 UK oil and gas fields, due to be published in 2019. He was chairman of the Petroleum Group of the Geological Society from 2008 to 2010 and is presently a member of the UK Oil and Gas Authority’s Exploration Taskforce and a director of the Oil and Gas Independents Association in the UK. Graham is a chartered geologist, a long-standing Fellow and presently Treasurer of the Geological Society and a member of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain.
Soliton Resources is a member of the Oil and Gas Independents Association in the UK.